New Patients

How do I know whether I need to see a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist has expertise in utilizing medication and therapy to relieve the mental and physical symptoms of a wide range of mental health problems. A comprehensive assessment of an individual’s mental health includes consideration of how physical health and medical problems could be causing or contributing to mental health issues. This includes recognition of how certain medical illnesses impact mood, evaluation of medication and medication interactions, discussion of lifestyle habits such as exercise, and assessment of blood work results. If you are struggling to control your mood or thoughts and are having difficulty functioning in your daily life, a psychiatric evaluation may help to provide you with clarity and treatment suggestions for regaining health.

What mental health conditions does Dr. Brown treat?

Dr. Brown’s training and experience has equipped her well to evaluate and treat mental illness in adults, age 18 and up. Commonly treated problems include depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Does Dr. Brown provide alternative medicine or naturopathic treatment recommendations?

No, Dr. Brown practices within the framework of her medical training as a general adult psychiatrist.

How do I request an initial consultation appointment?

You may request an appointment by calling (480) 220-9704.  If you reach the office voicemail message, please leave your name, phone number, and an email address.  You will then be contacted by email and asked to complete an introductory form.

What should I expect during the first appointment?

During the first appointment, Dr. Brown will gather a thorough history of your psychiatric and medical health, and seek to understand you by inquiring about the social and spiritual aspects of your life as well. Dr. Brown will collaborate with you to develop whole-person treatment recommendations that may include medication and/or psychotherapy.

Should I bring anything with me to the first appointment?

Dr. Brown will send a few forms for completion prior to the first appointment.  Please also bring a copy of any recent laboratory results. Please arrive to the clinic 15 minutes early for the first appointment.

Is there an average treatment duration or appointment frequency?

Treatment duration and appointment frequency are individually determined, based on the particular needs and situation of the individual.

Does Dr. Brown accept insurance?

Dr. Brown does not accept insurance, but instead offers fee for service. This allows Dr. Brown to spend more time with her patients and provide high quality care. However, you may be able to pursue reimbursement through your insurance company.

Fees (as of January 27, 2023)

  • Initial psychiatric evaluation appointment (120-180 minutes): $400
  • Psychiatric follow-up appointment (45-55 minutes): $150
  • Payment by card, check, or exact cash is due at time of appointment. Fees are subject to change.